IA2 developed Software:
contact: M. Molinaro
As a companion to the VO-Dance application IA2 developed also the IA2TAP web application to allow Table Access Protocol (TAP) service generation. Maintenance of the database structure related to the TAP protocol is simplified by the use of an auxiliary:the TAP_SCHEMA Manager.
IA2TAP is a web application, able to connect to MySQL RDBMS-es and deploy a TAP service out of them, with minimal (mostly manual) configuration requirements and the capability to have its configuration and logic running on a different server than the actually deployed data. It also allows multiple deployment of TAP service through multiple IA2TAP instances on the same web application server (Glassfish the only one currently supported).
The IA2TAP web application (war package only) can be downloaded here: IA2TAP war package.
A more complete package, including the TAP_SCHEMA Manager and installation documentation can be found here: IA2TAP & TSM bundle.
For an alternative to the standard deployment of IA2TAP you can try the IA2TAP - Docker image.
Further documentation on publishing data in the VO can be found at the IVOA Publishing page.
Work on IA2TAP has benefited also from funds of the GENIUS project (EU FP7 grant agreement number 606740).
Maintenance and further development benefits from the Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster – ASTERICS project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (GA 653477).