IA2 Developed Software:
contact: M. Molinaro
VO-Dance is a Java web application developed at IA2 to allow easy creation of web services based upon the IVOA recommended protocols. The goal of this application is to let the user generate the services without the need to deeply inspect the technical details of the standards of the IVOA.
The application is capable of publishing Simple Cone Search (SCS), Simple Image Access (SIA) and Simple Spectral Access (SSA) protocols based services out of a database connection pointing to the data to be deployed in the VO resources' world. It can speak to MySQL and Oracle DBMS-es.
As a companion to this application IA2 developed also the IA2TAP web application to allow Table Access Protocol (TAP) service generation. Maintenance of the database structure related to the TAP protocol is simplified by the use of an auxiliary application: the TAP_SCHEMA Manager.
New generation modular service publishing infrastructure
Given the limits of the above solutions for VO compliant (and not) resource publishing, a new, modular, distributable infrastructure has been defined. This solution is not yet available for direct user download and usage, but is available on request to the IA2 staff.
If you have astrophysical data you want to be publicly available don't hesitate to contact us.
If you want to try the web application yourself you can find the installation package (including installation manual), if you only want to have a look at the installation procedure and requirements, have a look at the installation manual alone.
VO-Dance and its companion tools has been presented to the ASTERICS DADI European Data Provider Forum & Training Event (Heidelberg, June 2016) and illustrated in the workshop on the 3rd day of the event.
For maintenance and further development of the tool, we acknowledge support from the Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster – ASTERICS project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (GA 653477).
Further Reference
Further documentation on publishing data in the VO can be found at the IVOA Publishing page.
For VO-Dance related information please check these papers: {2014SPIE.9152E..0CM} {2012SPIE.8451E..05M} {2012ASPC..461..419M}